WW Brain Gym FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

For your convenience, we have prepared answers to frequently asked questions about Brain Gym

Numerous research studies suggest that an individual’s cognitive capacities are not static and undergo significant changes over the course of their lifespan. On one hand, individuals consistently acquire new and progressively sophisticated forms of knowledge and intellectual skills during their childhood and early adulthood.

Conversely, certain mental faculties like processing speed of sensory information and short-term memory tend to diminish during middle and later stages of adulthood. Recent research in cognitive neuroscience has revealed that the adult brain possesses a greater capacity for recuperation following injury and for acquiring fresh knowledge and skills than was previously understood. This discovery implies that training programs and interventions aimed at enhancing specific cognitive abilities could potentially yield advantages.

At present, Brain Gym offers participants feedback concerning various visuospatial and quantitative reasoning aptitudes. This insight assists individuals in recognizing specific areas where they could potentially spring the greatest advantages from focused training.

Do you enjoy mental challenges and puzzles? Are you interested in gaining deeper insights into yourself? If your response is affirmative, then Brain Gym is a perfect fit for you.

Brain Gym offers a brief set of engaging and thought-provoking tasks crafted to evaluate your fluid intelligence skills and furnish you with precise scores. T It is convenient to complete daily training sessions online, privately, from a mobile or desktop computer, allowing you to choose a time and place that is convenient for you.

Our score reports will provide insights into how your abilities measure up against those of thousands of individuals worldwide, enabling you to pinpoint specific areas for potential growth. If you have intentions of undergoing intelligence assessments as part of school or job applications, Brain Gym can serve as valuable practice for solving similar problems, along with feedback to enhance your readiness for such evaluations.

No, the time you take to answer the questions does not influence your final score.

Brain Gym is designed for individuals aged 16 and older. If you are below the age of 16, we kindly ask that you refrain from taking the test.

Indeed, we do require a modest monthly fee. It is important to clarify that there is a 7-day free trial period.

Currently, we offer support for both Credit Card and PayPal payments. We are however actively working on incorporating more payment methods in the future to enhance our ability to cater to your preferences.

If you have completed the payment but have not received your results, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via this form. Kindly ensure to provide the email address you used on the website. We will promptly respond with your results.

Regrettably, we do not furnish the answers to your tests in order to uphold the superior quality of our service and prevent their dissemination on social media platforms.

If you are experiencing difficulties in accessing your account, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via this form. Kindly ensure to provide the email address you used on the website. We will promptly respond with a solution.